The Jewish State was extablished in 1948 in the wake of the Holocaust, which claimed six and a half million Jewish lives. The Jewish people started trickling into their ancient homeland the late nineteen century after almost two thousand years of fleeing death and persecution in a hostile and anti-Semitic world. The state was to be, as envisioned by Theodor Herzl and Zionist leaders that succeeded him, a place of refuge for a victimised and battered people: security could only be achieved in a national homeland--a state for the Jewish people.
In 1922, in response to Arab pressure, Britain violated the Mandate and cut off 77% of Palestine, and created the Hashemite knigdom of Transjordan forbidding Jewish settlement there. Over 70% of Jordanians are Palestinian Arabs.
"The war was declared by the Arabs, after their rejection of the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (UN General Assembly Resolution 181) that would have created an Arab state and a Jewish state."
David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the state of Israel on May 14 1948 a day before the British Mandate over Palestine was to expire. Israel was immediately recognised by the United States three days later by the Soviet Union and later by Iran, the United Nations and many other countries.
On the day that followed the declaration of the state of Israel, Israel was attacked by Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. They were aided by volunteers from Saudi Arabia, Lybia and Yemen.
If the Arabs had accepted the partition plan they would now be celebrating independence together with Israel. Instead, they have relentlessly attacked Israel and Israel has been forced to defend itself against the declared goal of total annihilation.
The question of whether Israel should exist and if the Jewish people are entitled to a state is, under natural circumstances, not even worthy of an answer; nevertheless, because it is Israel we are discussing, double standards and unfair, unwarranted criticism, judgment and anti-Semitism are the main characters thereby eliminating natural processes and responses and creating the need to justify and explain the existence of the state strictly for the purpose of educating those who are otherwise ignorant to the facts and influenced and swayed by erroneous public opinion and false propaganda supplied in abundance by the media.
It is pathetic that Muslims are offended by the representation of Israel on world maps and even more pathetic that any company of any nation would remove a country from a map for marketing purposes. What do they call the land between the Jordon and the Mediterranean? It cannot be called Palestine: such a state does not exist yet--although many a map does say Palestine. Is the land left nameless?
The state of Israel has existed since 1948, although there has been a continuous Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish presence in the land for 4000 years: Abraham led Hebrew tribes to the land and settled there 4000 years ago; Joshua and the Israelites entered and settled in the land 3,500 years ago and Jerusalem has been the centre of Judaism for the last 3000 years. I guess that is still not enough to get Israel on some maps.

The Jewish people are entitled to a state after two thousand years of persecution and death as refugies in exile; the state has every right to be a Jewish state.
About 75.5 percent, or 5,593,000, of Israelis are Jews, 1,498,000 are Arabs (20.2%), while "Others" - immigrants and their offspring who are not registered as Jews by the Interior Ministry - number 320,000 (4.3%).
Jewish state simply means a democratic state with a Jewish majority that secures the Jewish character of the state by electing a government that guarantees the security of the Jewish people and protects the rights of its citizens to celebrate of the Jewish holidays, the observance of the Sabbath and the observance of Judaism. The argument that Zionism--the aspirations of the Jewish people for a national home--is racist should be perceived by each person in relation to his own national aspirations and loyalty.
In order for the state to preserve its Jewish character, it has to maintain a Jewish majority. Israel has a population of seven and a half million. 5.8 are Jewish and 1.5are Arab and there are about 300,000 who are neither Arabic nor Jewish. This means that approximately 25% of Israel's population is not Jewish. If there were to be a non-Jewish majority, as a democratic state, non-Jews could determine the future of a state that was founded as a national home for the Jewish people and Israel would lose its Jewish character.
Nations and states have a religious, cultural identity and character by default.
The European Union, with its long Catholic history, expresses its religious affiliation in its design of the European Union flag. The European Union has often been called a Christian club and has shown reluctance to accepting Turkey--a Muslim country of over 70 million--with fears that such a large influx of Muslims would jeopordise Europe's Christian character.
The circle of stars bears a striking similarity to the twelve star halo of the virgin Mary seen in Roman Catholic art. The flag's designer, Arsène Heitz, has acknowledged that the Book of Revelation (which is where the twelve-star halo of the Virgin Mary was first mentioned) helped to inspire him. Revelation 12:1 is cited to explain the symbolism: " A great sign appeared in the heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars". ( A crown of stars can be interpreted as a "Crown of Immortality"). It has been noted that the date the flag was adopted, 8 December 1955, coincided with the Catholic Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a feast decreed in 1854 by Pope Pius ix.
In fact, the Rabbis make it considerably difficult for an individual to convert as a process of filtering out those who are in in for ulterior motives. You would think that considering the demographics problem that Israel has been facing that Israel would make conversion an easy process as a means of increasing the Jewish population; nevertheless, this is not the case: it is not easy to become Jewish.
History and a map of the world will show you that conquest and proselytising belongs to Roman Catholicism and to Islam.
A video I received on Muslim Demographics
The land mass under their possession and the sheer number of their adherence make it quite obvious that Islam and Catholicism have an agenda: convert and conquer or conquer and convert.
A video on the Issues being Discussed
I find it absolutely absurd that I have to put together an article to justify the existence of a nation; nevertheless, for reasons I have already mentioned and with the amount of negative publicity and misunderstanding surrounding the state of Israel, I consider it of utmost importance to provide the opportunity to see the issues presented from a different perspective.
The Jewish people are entitled to a state: the state has every right to be a Jewish state.